Stato criminale
Covid we must remember the perpetrators and condemn them as soon as possible
The victims of the covid are commemorated but these are the victims of politicians, the victims of the state, the victims of wicked choices, the victims of real murders . Not to mention all the people who have not been able to take care of themselves in this period and who st
Constitutional court, parliament and judiciary move to abolish discriminatory laws
In Italy there are thousands of Italians who are children of foreigners who cannot obtain citizenship or a residence permit because they cannot demonstrate that they have sufficient income to support them. There are paradoxical situations in which foreigners who have been marr
Passaporti, task force delle questure ma i disagi continuano e sono già saltati 80mila viaggi organ...Caos passaporti verso una soluzione? Per la Polizia di Stato lo sforzo poderoso messo in campo dalle Questure consente “di rassicurare i cittadini sull’esito positivo di tutte le richieste”. Ma le segnalazioni e le critiche sui social non si placano: sito senza posti disponibili o lunghe file
Penalty worthy of dictatorship Walter Biot sentenced to 30 years by military judges...
The Military Court of Rome sentenced Walter Biot to 30 years, the naval officer accused of espionage for having given secret information and documents to an official of the Russian Embassy in Italy in exchange for money . The judges recognized the extenuating circumstance
Eni is another example of a criminal state...
in Italy state-owned companies make profits . Eni or Ente Nazionale hydrocarbons has tripled its profits in a few years, in fact the prices of hydrocarbons have risen dramatically in recent years . The pandemic, war and locusts are excuses to increase and excise duties and
Milleproroghe, the government makes melina on the bathing establishments, postponem...
Among the priorities of the Meloni government there are, as known, the bathing establishments . And the attention to this sector is reiterated with the new extension to the transposition of the European standards which ask for greater competition . The measure is contained i
Superbonus or rather Superswindle against building companies...
the State continues to be a fugitive in the payment of the superbonus to the building companies that have carried out the works while the banks refuse to advance the credits to the companies . I would like to know what the state expects to pay and above all what the building
work in the south that is not there and the basic income...
it is true that in Southern Italy Work is not c'and the basic income has helped many people even if many take advantage of it while many others use it as a supplement to the miserable income they receive illegally . It seems to me that little is wanted to be done and nothing
Messina Denaro usual antics of the criminal state...
The fake capture of Matteo Messina Denaro represents the usual antics of the criminal state which must divert people's attention from the real problems they have . The scenario is always the same, a highlight must be imagined . Nothing new is always the same story St ato, 007, police and criminals work to bring everything to life . Now we know .
Skyrocketing fuel prices and the state eats with a bastard and unfair tax...
The Italian State plays the fool and blames the distributors for the expensive fuel . Excise duties practically represent the final price with each liter of fuel bought we finance the thieving state in a shameful way . The level of excise duties in Italy and in many states has verg levels gnosis and it is a tax that obviously weighs on consumers in an unfair manner . A s
The most cited Italian scientist in the world is l’oncologist Carlo Maria Croce: ...
In Italy researchers are treated as miserable and this is why many leave the country. They forced me to leave too: until 2015 I worked both at the Ohio State University and at the University of Ferrara then in Italy they forced me into retirement, but I already knew that I co
Omicidio di Piersanti Mattarella, il presidente del tribunale di Palermo: “Serve una commissione p...Una commissione d’inchiesta per indagare sulla stagione del terrorismo mafioso: una catena di omicidi rimasti spesso irrisolti, a cominciare da quello di Piersanti Mattarella, presidente della Regione Sicilia e fratello dell’attuale capo dello Stato. “Si tratta di una fase storica che inizia negli anni ’70 e si protrae fino al 1993, un periodo in cui Palermo è stata l’unica città del m
Bills, the government allows suppliers to raise rates for those with expiring contr...
The government finally takes the field to try to bring order to the chaos on the unilateral changes in the electricity and gas tariffs proposed by the companies to their users despite the prohibition set by the Aiuti bis. decree. However, the orientation is not at all in favo