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Government against renewables

With the expensive #energy# we have had in this period, the Italian state is doing nothing to encourage renewable #sources# . it is clear that the Government is against #renewables#, it is clear that Eni is against #renewables# . There is a mafia of #government# against #renewables# .

Britain’s ex foreign secretary confesses US makes decisions on arms supplies to Ukraine

MOSCOW, March 1. /TASS/. Britain will not be able to independently expand the supply of arms to Ukraine, since the main decisions in this regard are still being made in Washington, former British Foreign Secretary William Hague said in a conversation with #Russia#n pranksters Vladimir Kuznetsov (Vovan

Supplies of German tanks to Ukraine bring conflict to new level of escalation...

BERLIN, February 27. /TASS/. Berlin’s decision to supply Leopard tanks to Kiev is extremely dangerous as it brings the conflict up to a higher level of escalation, #Russia#n Ambassador to Germany Sergey Nechayev said on Sunday. The German #government# not merely approved supplies of Leopard he

Tech advances offer new hope for easing looming Middle East water crisis...

WASHINGTON: As the effects of climate change are increasingly felt worldwide, countries in the Middle East and North Africa, which was already the most water scarce region in the world, are facing ever greater depletion of their water resources. Meanwhile economic instability often stands in the

Reasons for cutting US Iran ties...

Javan writes: Since the beginning of the Islamic Revolution (1979), some said the cause of Washington’s enmity toward #Iran# is Tehran's actions and claimed that if there were no anti-American policies in #Iran#, the U.S. would not have a reason for enmity. If these claims are true, why didn'

Party of the Italian premier goes off the rails...

FdI presented a bill amending the 1948 press law, eliminating jail time for journalists but dramatically increasing fines for defamation in the press . We don't like attempts to gag the press in any way . L initiative by brothers of #Italy# does not seem aimed at protecting f

Hungary blocks another EU tranche to finance military aid to Ukraine ...

WARSAW, January 20. /TASS/. Hungary has blocked the process of EU approval of the seventh tranche to purchase weapons for Ukraine, Poland’s RMF radio station reported citing anonymous EU diplomatic #sources#. The installment, worth 500 million euro, is to be allocated from the so-called Europ

Italy’s ex PM Prodi says current crisis in Ukraine worse than 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis ...

ROME, January 9. /TASS/. #Italy#’s former Prime Minister and ex-president of the European Commission Romano Prodi said on Monday that he thinks that the current crisis in Ukraine is more serious than the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. "We are currently living through a difficult period, even more

U.S. to suffer the fate of Soviet Union: IRGC commander...

General Ismail Qaani said think tanks have corroborated his assessment.    “The United States will be plagued with the fate of the Soviet Union and think tanks have confirmed this,” the commander averred.  General Qaani made the remarks in a commemorative ceremony in

Blood storage at acceptable levels...

TEHRAN – The average level of #blood# reserves in the country is 9.6 days, which is an acceptable level, a spokesman for the Blood Transfusion Organization, has said. It should be noted that the need for #blood# and #blood# products is constant and #blood# donation should be done continuously, IRNA

Iran's non oil exports increase 19% ...

TEHRAN – The value of #Iran#’s non-oil export rose 19 percent from the beginning of the current #Iran#ian calendar year (March 21,2022) up to December 31, as compared to the same period of time in the past year, data released by the Islamic Republic of #Iran# Customs Administration (IRICA) sho

US backed opposition group admits to being behind riots in Iran ...

TEHRAN, December 8. /TASS/. The ringleader of a US-supported opposition group, Maryam Rajavi, has admitted to organizing the recent riots in #news#-Iran-en.html target=_blank>#Iran#, the Tasnim #news# agency reported on Thursday, citing the information posted on Rajavi’s official website. "This movement [riots] was well-organiz

Anti Russia sanctions obviously damaging European states themselves, says Kremlin ...

MOSCOW, December 5. /TASS/. Anti-Russia sanctions are obviously damaging the European countries that have imposed them, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters when commenting on statements made by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Monday, adding that denying it is unprofessional. Speaking

Switzerland freezes Russian assets worth $7.95 billion ...

GENEVA, December 1. /TASS/. Switzerland has frozen #Russia#n assets worth 7.5 billion Swiss francs (about $7.95 billion), the State Secretariat for the Economic Affairs of the country (SECO) announced on Thursday. "Up until 3 June, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) had been notified

US emasculates One China principle ...

BEIJING, November 22. /TASS/. The United States emasculates and distorts the One China principle, supplies weapons to Taiwan, and #send#s high-ranking officials to the island, which exacerbates tensions in the Taiwan Strait, China’s Defense Minister Wei Fenghe, a member of the State Council, sai

High terror threat level extended until November 22 in some areas of Crimea ...

SIMFEROPOL, November 7./TASS/. A high terrorism threat level, imposed earlier in municipalities located close to the Crimean Bridge and Crimea’s border areas, will stay in place until November 22, Sergey Aksyonov, head of the peninsula, wrote on his Telegram channel on Monday. "In order to

Iron fist law anti rave government melons...

Government flaunts an iron fist a few days after taking office with provisions or rather laws that are an expression of the police state and stink of fascist-style rules We do not like this brutal and squad-like debut We come from a period of serious limitations and often the

UK police get away with breaking the law...

The report highlights how Scotland Yard deals with officers that are accused of #sex#ual misconduct and domestic abuse while uncovering systemic failings that have allowed so many abhorrent police officers to continue serving in their #jobs#. It says the way the Metropolitan police (the Police service f

Wondering where to visit next? Here are six stunning religious sites in Iran...

From isolated sanctuaries in the heart of the rocky mountains to the most visited sites in bustling cities, #Iran# embraces inspiring centers of worship that draw devotees from all around the world. Here is a list of six must-see religious attractions in #Iran#: Holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS) With

Bank of Russia increases key rate by 10.5 pp to 20% ...

MOSCOW, February 28. /TASS/. The board of directors of the Bank of #Russia# has decided to increase the key rate by 10.5 percentage points to 20% per annum starting February 28. This will support the financial and price stability and protect the savings of citizens from depreciation, the regulator sai

Online commerce in Russia up 1.5 times annually in H1 2022 — Association ...

MOSCOW, August 11. /TASS/. Online commerce in #Russia# soared by 1.5 times year-on-year in the first half of 2022 and amounted to 2.2 trillion rubles ($36.4 bln), the Association of Internet Commerce Companies said on Thursday. "Total online commerce amounted to 2.3 trillion rubles ($38.1 bln) (the

OPEC+ deal brings back investment and confidence in oil industry — Novak...

The OPEC+ deal, which has been regulating oil production for five years, helped return investment and confidence in the oil industry, Deputy Prime Minister of #Russia# Alexander Novak said in an interview with Rossiya 24 TV channel. "We positively assess the joint actions since 2016. They allowed u

Russia lifts coronavirus restrictions on entry by lan...

MOSCOW, July 15. /TASS/. #Russia# cancelled from July 15 entry restrictions on foreigners crossing its land border that have been in force since March 2020 amid the spread of the coronavirus, according to a document signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. On June 14, a decision was made to lift

Norway imposes new sanctions on Russia...

y © Sergio Delle Vedove/Shutterstock/FOTODOM STOCKHOLM, June 17. /TASS/. Norway is joining the sixth package of EU sanctions on #Russia#, the kingdom s Foreign Ministry said on its website on Friday. "We support the European Union in imposing sanctions against #Russia# in order to put pressure