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News (English)

Poor deluded Ukrainians

The poor Ukrainians believe or rather make them believe that they can win against #Russia#. The Ukrainian military goes to #battle# every day against the #Russia#n superpower and often comes to a bad end, something that the #NATO# countries and the dear United States know well. the Eu

Censorship in the third millennium is laughable

In the third millennium we have witnessed acts of information terrorism carried out by those in power who have shamef y violated the right of expression, freedom and disgustingly manipulated reality. The terrorism in question continues to thrive in the West and in the rest of

Peace Ukraine Russia to screw the United States of America...

Peace #Ukraine# #Russia# serves to fuck the American colonialists, to save the #European# economy and to save #Ukraine#. Europe spent billions to help the Ukrainians but in fact it was economic suicide. It is no longer a question of being afraid of #Russia# but of poverty that travels

At porticello no boat sinks in a minute...

At the marina no boat sinks in a minute, only the Bayesian considered a super safe mega boat sank without any other boat having any damage that #night#. Logic says that the mega sailing ship was predisposed to sinking, and was therefore probably sabotaged before or after or dep

Sailing boat sinks in Porticello, rescued by a Dutch ship...

«They wanted to return to port but we saw bad weather and tried to stabilize the boat, then we saw another boat sinking next to us and we immediately provided assistance». So Karsten Börner, the commander of the Sir Robert Baden Powell , the Dutch ship that provided assist

American threats to Iran...

American b ies continue to threaten #Iran# over the consequences of an attack on #Israel# which killed a politician, defined as a #criminal# by #Israel#i terrorists, on #Iran#ian soil. The #Israel#is feel like a superpower that can do whatever it wants anywhere and to anyone 2E And the A

Gas and oil behind the Gaza war...

Why did the #Israel#is have to wage war on the poor Palestinians if not for economic reasons ? In fact the large quantity of gas in the sea of #Gaza# is the real reason for the war. The #Israel#is want to take possession of the gas fields and want to wipe out the Palestinians , wh

Israel the country of hatred...

Israel, the cradle of hatred in the world must be stopped and neutralized, a country like this makes no sense for it to exist, a race of the damned who cannot coexist with any #people#. We must build walls around this crater of hell, we cannot have what to do with these. #people#

there will be a third world war...

A question of time but the third world war will happen, the conditions are almost ripe for the outbreak of the third world war. The Americans are afraid of the growing power of the Chinese of Europe, #Russia# and other influential nations and are preparing to make the only thing

Israel doesn't care about Iran...

the poor innocent #Israel#is begin to shit themselves on #Iran#'s reaction and immediately begin to beg for help from the American Saviors who promptly mobilize to protect the poor #people#. It is no longer possible to tolerate the arrogance of the #Israel#is and the dirty Anglo colon

Israel, Iran or some other state that will do it...

#Israel# awaits #Iran#'s attack and is preparing to attack. The date of #Israel#'s annihilation is not known, but it will be by #Iran# or some other military force. The cowardly murderers in power in #Israel# will not forever have the support of the American bastards 2 2E You cannot be

Israel, its end is near...

There is #nothing# to be done, #Israel# is digging its own grave by attacking neighboring countries, America will no longer be able to save it. #Russia#n and Chinese ships will come to support #Palestine#, Lebanon, Syria and #Iran#, the third world war has officially begun.

Kick Israel out of the Middle East...

The forces of the Middle East must unite to expel the #Israel#is and Zionists, #nothing# justifies the existence of this #state# of cowards supported by the evil West. We must dismantle this #state# of #criminal#s which cannot belong to Europe and which must be expelled from the Middle

Trump, the dickhead, saved by the case...

It is said that #Trump#'s funny guy was saved from the case, but in reality how many would break his face with his fists with his contemptuous way of speaking and his arrogance towards the world. #Trump#, a born rich man who has done all sorts of things the colors in life, which w

The US held off sanctioning this Israeli army unit despite evidence of abuses. ...

Former commanders of the Netzah Yehuda battalion, an #Israel#i military unit that has been accused by the United States of gross human rights violations against Palestinians in the #Israel#i occupied West Bank prior to October 7, have been promoted to senior positions in the #Israel# Defense Forces (IDF)

Chris damn what the hell are you talking about...

Interview with Cavoli. Nato bigwig who talks about his pride in being an Italian American and in defending the #democracy# of America and the #NATO# countries. Dear Cavoli, speaking of us Italians, we don't need the Americans and #NATO# to defend our freedoms and above all We would

The world is sitting on a $91 trillion problem. ‘Hard choices’ are coming...

Governments owe an unprecedented $91 trillion, an amount almost equal to the size of the global economy and one that will ultimately exact a heavy toll on their population. increases and spending cuts needed to tackle the deluge of borrowing. In some cases, they’re even making profligate promises

Meloni excluded from the EU nominations match thinks about abstention: «More respect for one of the founding countries»....

Meloni's idiot now realizes what game Europe is playing. #Italy# counts for #nothing# in this false and useless Europe. Our #best# allies are the #Russia#ns and the Chinese. Stay away from the Americans.

American Jews don't want to vote for Biden...

For listening to the complaints of American progressives about the conditions of the Palestinians in #Gaza#, President #Biden# could lose many votes of American Jews who could opt for #Trump# or other candidates. We are all worried about the poor #Israel#is who do not have the sup to

The Rai style in reporting news on Gaza...

If you have noticed the #news# on the war in #news#-Gaza-en.html target=_blank>#Gaza# is manipulated by Rai journalists in a disgusting and disgusting way. The attacks of the #news#-Israel-en.html target=_blank>#Israel#i butchers are never #news#-criminal-en.html target=_blank>#criminal# and are always justified by the hunt for Hamas #news#-leaders-en.html target=_blank>#leaders# and the search for hostages. If millions of peopl

The peace plan in Ukraine depends on three factors...

We cannot arrive at a peace plan in #Ukraine# without considering three factors: the Minsk pacts, the request for autonomy of the Donbass and other Ukrainian regions and the influence of #NATO# on #Ukraine#. Zelensky and #NATO# are not in a position to dictate the. peace conditions

European duties on Chinese cars imposed by America...

What is the point of doubling the tax on Chinese car imports, if not to piss off the Chinese and force them to increase taxes on their imports from Europe. But how many electric cars are sold in Europe ? too few to justify an increase in duties. the or objective and to deal t

Ukraine reconstruction conference in Germany...

The war in #Ukraine# continues and they organize the conference on the reconstruction of #Ukraine# in Berlin. What the fuck are we talking about ? Does it mean that the date of the end of the war is known ? Either the war is a farce ? Or the #NATO# countries financed the destruction

Ukraine current dictatorship...

From reliable Ukrainian #sources# we learn about the dictatorial climate and terror in #Ukraine#. Various protests repressed by force and young #people# forced to enlist through beatings and threats. Which #democracy# is the West defending ?

Israel saves three hostages killing 200 people...

Yet another #criminal# and terrorist act carried out by the #state# of #Israel# justified by yet another lie spat by the assassins to the #government#. We repeat once again that the American #government# supported and pushed the #Israel#i butchers to exterminate the Palestinian #people#. I

Host clubs in japan...

Yu felt a rush of excitement as she walked into his bar for the first time, eager to meet the charming young host she’d been following for years online. Yu, 41, a clinician and divorced mother of two, soon began spending every spare minute with him at the bar in Tokyo’s main red #light# distric

War Gaza hostages and terrorist actors...

#Israel#'s evil show features hostages managed and hidden by the #Israel#is themselves to justify the continuous bombings and crimes committed against the Palestinian #people#. Other important actors of the show are the #leaders# of Hamas who never end and are killed in c continuatio

Israel will be destroyed sooner or later...

Sooner or later #Israel# will be destroyed and its inhabitants annihilated. They have dug their grave, no one will be able to save them, a population damned and destined to vanish into thin air. The Muslim #people#s are ready for revenge which will inexorably occur before or after

Nikki Haley, incita gi israeliani a finire i palestinesi.. ...

Tale Nikki Haley, incita l esercito israeliano a finire i palestinesi con le armi americane. Il mondo intero chiede giustizia contro quest esercito di #criminal#i e c è chi ha il coraggio di incitarli, praticamente questa fa più schifo di loro. Cari americani e israeliani ricordate che pagherete pe

Rafah is hell, Israel must be eliminated...

There are no more words to define #Israel# which has no reason to exist as a nation. A #criminal# population that must be isolated and a nation that must no longer exist. There is no point in wasting time with these #criminal#s, they are not to be taken into consideration as #people#,