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Government against renewables

With the expensive energy we have had in this period, the Italian state is doing nothing to encourage renewable sources . it is clear that the Government is against renewables, it is clear that Eni is against renewables . There is a mafia of government against renewables .

Energy price fraud mix energy in italy gas 42%, renewables 41%

Something is wrong, from a trivial google search it turns out that the percentage of energy produced in #Italy# with the use of natural gas was 42% in 2019 2020 while renewable sources were at 40% and coal at 7.9%. that in 2021 22 the percentage of renewables s has certainly in

Dishonest there is no desire to favor renewables = all this is done in favor of the suppliers of energy from fuel; ...

Buffoni Buffoni Buffoni there is no desire to favor renewables = all this is done in favor of the suppliers of energy from fuel; installed splice was 1.2 gigawatts: #Italy# is far from the at least 8 GW per year needed to achieve the objectives Minister Cingolani continues to b