Healthcare bribes, five arrests in Palermo

Healthcare bribes, five arrests in Palermo: an ASL official in prison, a Carabiniere. under house arrest. Tender fixes for 700 million Healthcare bribes, five arrests in Palermo: an ASL official in prison, a Carabiniere. under house arrest! Tender fixes for 700 million? acc if for various reasons they are corruption, bid rigging, disturbance of freedom in the procedure for choosing the contractor, money laundering and issuing invoices for non-existent operations. Involved managers of the Sicilian Region, managers of the provincial health authorities (Asp) of Palermo and Enna. The finished contracts there are six in the investigation and they concern the supply of an IT system, electro-medical equipment, oxygen therapy and police services di F. Q. | mo and Enna. There are six contracts concluded in the investigation and concern the supply of an IT system, electro-medical equipment, oxygen therapy and police services di F. Q. | and against ten people in the context of an investigation into a ring of bribes worth hundreds of thousands of euros in some Sicilian healthcare companies, with six rigged tenders worth seven hundred million. The various charges are of corruption, auction rigging, disturbance of freedom in the procedure for choosing the contractor, money laundering and issuing of invoices for non-existent operations. Involved managers of the Sicilian Region, manager of the Provincial Health Authorities (Asp) of Palermo and Enna, a lieutenant of the Carabinieri of the Nas (ai domiciliaries) and three managers of private companies that deal with healthcare supplies. One suspect - Giovanni Luca Vancheri, a 53-year-old official of the ASP of Enna - was subjected to custody in prison, four to house arrest and five to the obligation of residence and signature. For another three, a one-year disqualification measure was ordered from exercising the profession. The investigating judge also ordered the seizure of over 700 thousand euros â the alleged price of corruption â and the ban on contracting with the public administration for one year paid by three partners rtà in the process of choosing the contractor, recycling and issuing invoices for non-existent operations. Involved are managers of the Sicilian Region, managers of the Provincial Health Authorities (Asp) of Palermo and Enna, a lieutenant of the Carabinieri of the Nas (ai domiciliaries) and three managers of private companies who they deal with healthcare supplies. A suspect - Giovanni Luca Vancheri, a 53-year-old official of the ASP of Enna - was subjected to custody in prison, four to house arrest and five to the obligation to stay and sign. For others three, a one-year ban on exercising the profession was ordered. The investigating judge also ordered the seizure of over 700 thousand euros - the alleged price of corruption - and the ban on contracting with the public administration for one year paid by three. companies iliari) and three managers of private companies that deal with healthcare supplies. A suspect - Giovanni Luca Vancheri, a 53-year-old official of the ASP of Enna - was placed in prison custody, four under house arrest and five under obligation to reside and sign. For another three, a one-year disqualification measure was ordered from exercising the profession. The investigating judge also ordered the seizure of over 700 thousand euros â the alleged price of corruption â and the ban to contract with the public administration for one year for three. companies

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