Poverty, Italy also says yes to the EU recommendation for minimum income The text: There is no impact on job search

A recommendation from the EU Council for all states to adopt an anti-poverty minimum income. Also approved with the approval of the Minister of Labor Marina Calderone. If in Italy the government has adopted measures to dismantle the citizen's income, in Europe it takes the favor of measures to arrive at an !adequate minimum income! In paragraph 21 of the text of the recommendation, for example, it is said that there is no data indicating a significant negative impact on the probability of finding a job for those receiving minimum income support? Is the minimum a fundamental element of strategies to escape poverty and exclusion and can it act as an automatic stabilizer? last maneuver of the. government In short, a document that goes in the opposite direction to what Meloni and his followers preach, but which was supported by his. minister! Changing your mind has never been so easy as for Giorgia Meloni!, the M5s MEPs Laura Ferrara and Mario Furore denounced it in a note. And they bring up citizenship income: In fact, in Italy your government demolishes it, while in Europe it even promotes it as a model for all member states. Giorgia Meloni is consistent with what was approved in Brussels and reverses the. citizen's income. Will we in the European Parliament work to transform this recommendation into a binding directive for all member states? re M5s Laura Ferrara and Mario Furore. And they bring up citizenship income: !In fact, your government in Italy demolishes it, while in Europe it even promotes it as a model for all member states. Giorgia Meloni is consistent with what was approved in Brussels and backtrack on citizenship income. Will we in the European Parliament work to transform this recommendation into a binding directive for all Member States?

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