Bricklayers, carers, pensioners: 4 thousand people per day at Pane Quotidiano in Milan While politics plays out, the queues here increase

The queues in front of Pane Quotidiano in Milan are increasing every day. Over four thousand people a day come to collect a free shopping bag in the two city branches. !A number that is increasing compared to last summer? they provide basic necessities. Bread, dairy products, vegetables for a value of around fifteen euros. Help that is increasingly fundamental for many families, the spectrum of beneficiaries is expanding more and more -. tells Il Fatto it vice president of Pane Quotidiano Luigi Rossi - purchasing power decreases and new poor people are created. Today, can you no longer live on an average salary in Milan? Luigi Rossi newspaper â purchasing power decreases and new poor people are created. Today, can we no longer live on an average salary in Milan? and despite having a job they are unable to make it to the end of the month. There are those who are bricklayers for 50 euros a day. Those who are carers for 1200 euros a month, working 7 days a week. Those who work there Cleaner earning 5 euros per hour. Salaries lower than the threshold of nine euros gross envisaged in the hypothesis of the opposition's minimum wage and which has been postponed. ! But while politics plays, the queues are increasing here?, a man in the queue tells Fattoquotidiano. it. And then there are also those who receive citizenship income: !Nine hundred euros with a wife and two children until December, then who knows? ve gross euros foreseen in the hypothesis of a minimum wage for the opposition and which has been postponed.! But while politics plays, are the queues increasing here?,. tells Fattoquotidiano it a man in the queue. And then there is also who gets the citizen's income: !Nine hundred euros with a wife and two children until December, then who knows?

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