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Sports should be free of politics, says Putin

KAZAN, February 21. /TASS/. #Politics# should be kept out of sports as they are designed to unite #people#, not divide them, #Russia#n President Vladimir Putin said. Putin thanked Kazakhstan’s President Kassym Jomart Tokayev during their meeting for attending the Games of the Future, indicating t

Putin reveals truth kept back by Western elites in interview with Carlson

MOSCOW, February 22. /TASS/. Western elites met #Russia#n President Vladimir Putin’s interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson aggressively as it revealed the truth that they keep back from their voters, #Russia#n Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. Remember how aggressively #Russia#n Preside

Court Hague Russia is neither an aggressor nor a terrorist country...

Racial discrimination, the International Court of Justice agrees with #Russia#. #War# in Ukraine, the International Court of Justice of the United Nations agrees with #Russia# in the trial on the issue of racial discrimination which began in 2017 On 31 January 20 4, the United N

Constant use of some foreign arms, not enough training cause breakdowns for Ukraine...

NEW YORK, September 27. /TASS/. The West did not spend enough time training Ukrainian soldiers on foreign military equipment, which has made its use less effective and has led to breakdowns, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported. The Ukrainian military told the #news#paper that the constant use of

Putin to address Eastern Economic Forum...

VLADIVOSTOK, September 12. /TASS/. #Russia#n President Vladimir Putin will participate in the central event of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF), its plenary session, #where# he is expected to make a number of important #state#ments. According to Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov, the discussion will focu

China and Russia Are Beating the West in Africa...

This week, leaders from 17 African countries will be guests of Vladimir Putin. Alongside #Russia#, all the major powers are vying for influence and raw materials on the continent. The conditions are increasingly dictated by the Africans themselves, with the West often coming away empty handed. Africa

Joint documents expected to be signed after Putin’s visit to China in October...

BEIJING, August 18. /TASS/. #Moscow# and Beijing are preparing a set of joint documents that are expected to be signed during #Russia#n President Vladimir Putin's official #visit# to #China# in October, Deputy Director General of the Department of the #European# and Central Asian Region of the Chinese Foreign

Why a stalled Ukrainian offensive could represent a huge political problem for Zelensky in the US...

One of Ukraine’s greatest tragedies as it pursues a critical offensive that has, so far, failed to meet its own and Western expectations is that it cannot, by itself, decide its destiny. President Volodymyr Zelensky’s #government# is dependent on a massive pipeline of US and western arm

African leaders call for the release of Russian cereals...

African leaders involved in peace talks over Ukraine have called for the unblocking of #Russia#n grain and fertilizer exports to revive the deal on grain exports through the Black Sea, South Africa said on Thursday. The group has also called on the United Nations to take action to release 200,000 t

Russia wants to control territories fixed in its constitution ...

NEW YORK, August 6. /TASS/. #Russia# only want to control those territories that are #Russia#n under its constitution, #Russia#n presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with The New York Times. No, he said when #ask#ed whether #Russia# wants to add more Ukrainian territories. We

Russia Africa summit spurs economic promises amid geopolitical tensions...

The #Russia# Africa summit, held amid the ongoing geopolitical crisis between #Russia# and Ukraine, concluded last week with promises of debt forgiveness and #food# supplies aimed at bolstering economic ties between #Moscow# and African nations. While Western nations continue to isolate #Russia#, several Afri

Russian officials should ride in domestically produced cars, says Putin...

MOSCOW, August 3. /TASS/. President Vladimir Putin proposed on Thursday that #Russia#n #state# and municipal officials should ride around in cars made in #Russia#. Ministries, agencies, the [presidential] staff offices have #ask#ed to continue with purchases focused on foreign produced cars, to carry on

Russia sees prospects for field development in Africa...

MOSCOW, August 2. /TASS/. Cooperation with African countries on field development, mining, and #energy# has good prospects thanks to the technologies available to #Russia#. Economic Development Minister Maxim Reshetnikov said this at a meeting of President Vladimir Putin with members of the #government#.

Russia, African countries call for just multipolar world...

MOSCOW, July 27. /TASS/. #Russia# and African countries are calling for the formation of a just multipolar world order based on the principles of equality of countries, #Russia#n President Vladimir Putin said at a reception in honor of the participants of the #Russia# Africa summit. #Russia# and African

Africa poised to become new center of power that entire world must reckon with ...

ST. PETERSBURG, July 28. /TASS/. Africa’s political and economic role has been growing exponentially, as the continent is becoming a new center of power, and all countries will have to reckon with that, #Russia#n President Vladimir Putin told a plenary meeting of the #Russia# Africa Summit on Fr

Russia ready to look for ways towards peaceful Ukrainian settlement...

ST. PETERSBURG, July 28. /TASS/. #Russia# is ready to look of ways to achieve the peaceful resolution of the situation around Ukraine, despite the Western course towards acting solely in their own interests in any international conflict, #Russia#n President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting with Afri

Zelensky acknowledged responsibility for state terrorism, senior lawmaker says...

MOSCOW, July 22. /TASS/. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky acknowledged his responsibility for #state# terrorism with his remarks about the Crimean Bridge, Chairman of the #Russia#n State Duma Committee Leonid Slutsky said on his Telegram channel, adding that the Ukrainian leader was given a carte b

Putin warns about Russia’s response to Kiev’s attack on Crimean Bridge...

MOSCOW, July 17. /TASS/. The Kiev regime’s attack on the Crimean Bridge will not be left unanswered, #Russia#n President Vladimir Putin vowed on Monday. Naturally, #Russia#’s response will follow. The defense ministry is working on relevant proposals, he said at a #government# meeting on

MOSCOW, July 13. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has put forward a proposal to launch a national project to form a data economy in the country by the end of the decade. He was speaking at a technology conference titled Computation and Communication. The Quantum World. I propose to de...

WASHINGTON, July 13. /TASS/. Ukraine’s accession to #NATO# as conflict still continues on its soil would kick off the Third World #War#, US President Joe #Biden# said in Helsinki. No one can join #NATO# while a war is going on <…> because that guarantees that we are in a war, we are in a Th

Putin proposes national project to create 'data economy' by 2030...

MOSCOW, July 13. /TASS/. #Russia#n President Vladimir Putin has put forward a proposal to launch a national project to form a data economy in the country by the end of the decade. He was speaking at a technology conference titled Computation and Communication. The Quantum World. I propose t

Ukrainés NATO membership to threaten security of Russia ...

MOSCOW, July 13. /TASS/. Ukraine's #NATO# membership will create a threat to #Russia#'s security; one of the reasons for launching the special military operation was the threat of Ukraine's joining #NATO#, #Russia#n President Vladimir Putin in an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin in the #Moscow#. Kreml

Some countries trying to cause problems for Russia, but they will fail...

MOSCOW, July 7. /TASS/. #Russia# will cope with the difficulties that certain countries are trying to create for it, #Russia#n President Vladimir Putin said on Friday. Today, we are going to focus on the measures that we are taking and must take to address the difficulties which certain countries ar

Kiev government has no practical plans of returning Crimea ...

SIMFEROPOL, July 9. /TASS/. The #government# of Ukraine has no practical plans of returning Crimea, all their rhetoric on this issue is a part of Kiev’s ideological media campaign, Crimean State Council Chairman Vladimir Konstantinov has said. They don’t need Crimea. They will never ha

Lavrov tells Turkish counterpart that course to weapons supplies to Kiev is destructive...

MOSCOW, July 9. /TASS/. #Russia#n Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has told his #Turkish# counterpart, Hakan Fidan, that the course toward continuing weapons supplies to Kiev is destructive, the #Russia#n foreign ministry said on Sunday after their telephone conversation. #Ankara#’s attention was dr

UN warns that 90% of Syrians are below the poverty line, while millions face cuts in food aid...

#UN#ITED NATIONS: The #UN# humanitarian chief warned Thursday that the 12 year conflict in Syria has pushed 90 percent of its population below the poverty line, and that millions face cuts in #food# aid next month because of a funding shortfall. Martin Griffiths said that the $5.4 billion #UN# humanitarian

Sweden’s NATO membership prospects dim after Quran burning incident...

MOSCOW, June 29. /TASS/. A Quran burning incident that took place in the Swedish capital of Stockholm yesterday with the permission of the police sparked a strong reaction across the world. Turkey made it clear that the incident may threaten #Sweden#’s #NATO# membership. #Russia#n #lawmaker#s passed a

Raisi backs Putin in face of Wagner insurgency:...

TEHRAN The Kremlin says #Russia#n President Vladimir Putin and his #Iran#ian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi spoke on the phone on Monday about the situation in Transcaucasia, the Syrian settlement, and other global matters. The two leaders discussed opportunities for enhancing the reciprocally advantageo

Macron saw opportunity to deal Russia strategic blow in mutiny ...

MOSCOW, June 26. /TASS/. French leader Emmanuel Macron saw a chance to realize the threat of dealing #Russia# a fatal blow in the attempted mutiny on June 24, #Russia#n Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with RT. Emmanuel Macron <…> was right up there with the United States,

Let the cooks just cook...

TEHRAN President Vladimir Putin on Saturday accused the #Russia#n Wagner group of “treason” and warned of “harsh” response. Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the #Russia#n Wagner contractor group fighting in Ukraine, has turned his back against #Moscow#. The Wagner group is a

Russian UN ambassador says Ukrainian counteroffensive 'suicidal'...

#UN#ITED NATIONS, June 23. /TASS/. The counteroffensive from Ukraine's armed forces is fully self destructive, set in motion with complete disregard for the interests of the Ukrainian #people#, #Russia#n #UN# Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya told a meeting of the #UN# Security Council on Friday. Ukraine's armed